Tuesday, February 3, 2009


On Thursday, January 29th-I got stabbed 4 times...well, I had my gall bladder removed and in order to do so, they had to make 4 incisions in my stomach which felt like stab wounds. Let me back up and explain why this had to take place. Anyone who knows me knows I have always had stomach problem-always!!! Recently, it seems that the pain had intensified and had become more frequent. So, I called my doctor and after a sonogram I was quickly scheduled for gall bladder removal surgery. So back to Thursday. Bright and early, Greg, Mom, Dad, and I head for Longview Regional to have this done. We are taken to our private (not) little space and I was ordered to change into the attractive, ever so revealing nightgown, where we waited to be taken to our next place to wait. In the first room, I received an IV-well 2 actually, the first one blew and a shot in the fatty part above your hip. The shot hurt worse than the IV. The shot was to help prevent blood clots-so if you are someone who is going to have surgery soon-BE PREPARED-it HURT!!!! After we waited there for awhile, we were all taken upstairs to another "private" room to wait for the surgeon. After my hugs and kisses to my parents and Greg I was whisked away to the operating room. And then I woke up! Surgery was over and a new pain was in its place! I think surgery was at 9:15 and at 2:00 we were finally able to leave. Many thanks to Mom and Greg for unsuccessfully trying to wake me up. I believe I owe an apology to Parish for a rude comment-but in my defense, I was under heavy medication. Thanks to all who called, sent a card, sent a text, and especially my 2 nurses-Mom and Greg! Oh, yeah, I am better and back at school!

My new jewelry I aquired from having surgery!

Greg drying my hair for church Sunday-what a PRINCE!!!


  1. How exciting! Wait... not you getting STABBED, but that you are FINALLY BLOGGING!!! I am so glad that the STABBING TRIP has come and gone and you are on your road to recovery. Most importantly you are SMILING again! lol I couldn't help myself!

  2. Yea! I'm so glad you have a Blog!!! Now if we can only get your Mom to start one!

  3. You were such a good patient!!! I was in my element taking care of you. I love your pictures. Greg looks like a pro. Ha.
