Monday, February 16, 2009

Introducing the Crew!

Just a quick post to introduce some members of Pine Valley Farm. Sunday, Greg and I went to the farm to work on a few things and then to feed the cows. We loaded up the crew and away we went. The dogs went with me to put out feed and Greg went on the tractor to put out all the hay to the Beefmasters and then we met up and put a round bale in the back of the truck to go feed the momma cows...along for the ride is Squeak (on top of the hay) and in the back the Blue Heelers! We have Smokey and Bandit but the larger one is affectionately reffered to as "Tubber'.


  1. You go girl!!! Who would have thought my baby girl would end up being a farm girl...

  2. I can't believe that is you! Now that is a Proverbs 31 Woman -- she can do it all!
